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Hierdie nuwe Spesiale skool vir Oos-Transvaal neem vanjaar in aanvang. Vanaf 1 Desember 1967 is Mnr E.N. Laumer die toekomstige S.D.O, Mev S. Marais, ons tikster-klerk en Mej M. Malan ons matrone, besig om voorrade vir die skool en koshuis te ontvang, skoon te maak, te rangskik en weg te pak. Die skool, die gemeenskap en die Departement van Onderwys is baie baie dank aan hulle verskuldig. Die hoof was op diens by die Willie Snymanskool, Pretoria tot Desember 1967. Op 2 Januarie 1968 het hy diens begin by die skool. Gelyktydig met sy aankoms het Mnr & Mev Botes gearriveer asook Mnr & Mev Heunis en Mnr & Mev H.L. Foord. Hierdie mense het onmiddellik hulle dienste aangebied wat met groot dank aanvaar is…

Om 12:10vm moes daar kinders afgehaal word op die stasie. ‘n Geweldige stormloop van ouers wat hulle kinders wou inskryf het deur die dag aangehou. Die laaste inskrywing was om 8:15nm.

Jim van Tonderskool 16 Januarie 1968. Die skool open vandag. Die burgemeester Mnr J. du Toit en burgemeestersvrou, die onder-burgemeester Mnr P. Kruger en sy vrou die plaaslike L.P.R. Mnr Jim van Tonder en Ds. vd Berg het die verrigtinge met skriflesing en gebed geopen. Hy lees Matteus 25: 14-30…

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Occupational Therapist

We have our own occupational Therapist, at school that assists the junior learners with reading perceptual and co-ordination problems. New learners are evaluated scholastically for placement in Jim van Tonder School.

Learners with specific problems receive therapy individually or in small groups. Once a week all the junior learners attend a perceptual program on computer. The aim is to improve their observational and concentration skills in order to be more successful in reading and other practical skills. This program also improves their basic computer skills.

Learners with emotional problems are supported and/or referred when necessary.

Learners with physical problems are helped in order to equip every learner to reach their full potential and to become the best they can be.

Educational Psychologist

The Educational Psychologist assess, diagnose and treat children and adolescents. The aim is to facilitate learning, development and adjustment of learners in the contexts of families, schools and communities.

Our Educational Psychologist offers the following services:

  • Help with learning- and scholastic problems
  • Liaison with parents and schools (parent guidance and support)
  • Psychometric testing/assessment
  • Help with behavioural and emotional problems
  • Therapeutic intervention/guidance of learners and parents on school adjustment, behavioural modification; anxiety & fear; gloom; tension; tantrums; bully; conflict management; self esteem; aggression; trauma; interpersonal relations; social adaptation and skills